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Post 2010/12/30 22:49:58     文章主题: ★Richard Harris 首届“盛世华章”-- 暨2011纽约春节联欢晚会

Richard Harris 首届“盛世华章”-- 暨2011纽约春节联欢晚会

将于1月29日,7:30 pm在皇后大学剧院隆重举行!

欲知详情,请电: 212-760-1508
或email: info@richardharrisusa.com

由美國湖南商会主辦、Richard Harris 公司承辦的首届“盛世華章”文化慶典暨2011年紐約春節聯歡晚會將於2011年1月29日在法拉盛皇後大學藝術劇院隆重舉行。届時中國駐紐約使館領導、紐約市的貴賓、眾參兩院數位議員將蒞臨晚會現場,中國大陸、旅美華人及美國本土藝術家將聯袂上演一場美輪美奐的節目,意在促進中美文化交流,使公司文化和藝術相交融,增進中美兩國人民之間的友誼,讓廣大旅美華人歡度一個喜慶祥和的傳統佳節。

晚会门票将进行现场抽奖活动,凭票号电脑随机摇奖。奖品丰富包括:(IPAD、大屏幕彩电、Richard Harris 全毛西装、意大利RH围巾、钱包、BEST BUY购物卷等礼品)

承办:Richard Harris Men`s Wear
Email: sales@richardharrisusa.com


Richard Harris Incorporated in partnership with Non-Profit Organization, HNETA will be hosting, Cultural Expansion - A Celebration, in honor of The Chinese New Year on January 29th, 2011 at 7:30 pm. The event will take place at the Kupferberg Center of Queens College. The New Year’s Celebration will include performances by talented performer’s such as, Li Yugang, Jianwei Han, He Yi, The Hunan Opera, The Sichun Opera and the Magical Mask Change as well as coverage by top Chinese Media Outlets and American Press.

New York City is the most culturally diverse city in America and arguably in the world. Richard Harris Incorporated representing a similar view and history would like to acknowledge this by bringing together our two predominant cultures to celebrate The Chinese New Year with the city of New York.

Richard Harris Inc. has two Men’s Fashion Brands, that respectively represent this diversity. American Chang which represents American and Chinese Cultures and Richard Harris blending American, British and Italian cultures . This is one of the main reasons that this opportunity became of such importance to us. An opportunity to not only celebrate the Chinese New Year, which is part of the Chinese culture but to be able to share it and our fashion with the community of Queens and the city of New York. America is built and founded upon the unification of these unlikely counterparts. The beauty that every culture has something unique and rich to bring to each other. We not only want to show the beauty of the Chinese Culture and The Chinese New Year but also of the American culture and all the cultures that represent it.

We hope that you will join us for this event and that you will open up to expanding your knowledge and culture.

To find out more information, please contact info@richardharrisusa.com or call 212-760-1508.

Cultural Expansion - A Celebration

Richard Harris INC.
(New York, NY)