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Dear all,

Here comes it! Chinese Lunar New Year Gala / 2010 Chinese New Year Celebration Grand Party, a fantastic performing party, held by CUCSSA - Columbia University Chinese Students and Scholars Association, is approaching to its showcase date on February 7th, 2010 (Sunday) in the Alfred Lerner Hall Auditorium on Columbia University Morningside Height Campus in the city of New York!

This year, CUCSSA is making its best to provide sufficient prizes of attraction to welcome all of your participations. We are now offering a list of categorical prizes:
First Prize: Laptop Computer (Total: 1)
Second Prize: Amazon Kindles (Total:2)
Third Prize: Columbia University Mascot Lion Puppets (Total:10)

As our online ticket purchase system has been activated and right awaits your favors, we are looking forward to seeing you soon to share laughs, joys and dreams with us. Your participation is warmly welcomed to our celebration party and what are you waiting for? Yes! To buy tickets online immediately! Feel free to click on the following link: https://www.ovationtix.com/trs/pe/7809565. A brief summary of ticket prices is presented as below. For further info in detail, please refer to the web page.

Ticket Price Categories:

Region A
CUID $28.00
Non CUID $32.00

Region B
CUID $18.00
Non CUID $24.00

CUID Only $16.00

To sum up, an information summary is provided here:

Time: 7:00 pm, February 07, 2010(Sunday). Remark: Doors open at 6:15 pm and the show begins at 7 pm.

Venue: Roone Arledge Auditorium & Cinema, Lerner Hall. New York, NY 10027

Happy Chinese New Year! 谨祝新春快乐!

Columbia University Chinese Students and Scholars Association



龙腾虎跃四海盛,鸟语花香天下春。新年的钟声即将敲响, 虎年的春天悄然来临。值此佳节之际, 哥伦比亚大学中国学生学者联谊会又一次为您准备了丰盛的年夜大餐 !

2010年“银联之夜” 哥大中国农历新春晚会将于2010年2月7日在哥伦比亚大学Al fred Lerner Hall隆重举行。此次晚会正值中美建交30周年之际, 我们将以“天下一家”为主题,体现全球华人四海同春, 其乐融融的寓意。届时,中国驻纽约总领馆彭克玉总领事, 中国驻联合国公使刘汉明先生,著名电视制作人、 化妆品王国皇后靳羽西女士也将亲临现场并致辞。

本次活动, 我们邀请到了中央电视台新闻30分著名节目主持人梁艳担纲主持。 节目形式构思新颖,独具匠心, 演员阵容不仅有我校才艺兼具的老师同学,更有活跃在纽约地区的文艺界人士鼎立参与。演出集欣赏性、 娱乐性于一身,定将为各位来宾的新年夜奏响华彩的乐章。另外, 值得一提的是,本次晚会我们还邀请到了上海世博会组委会作为联办单位, 届时每一位购票到场的嘉宾都将获得由世博会提供的纪念品一份,你们还将看到世博会吉祥物“海宝”可爱的身影哦!不能不提的是, 在晚会的过程中, 我们还为现场所有的嘉宾准备了价值千元的抽奖大礼,谁将成为新年的第一个幸运儿? 谁会在晚会后抱着Kindle回家?这还等什么,快来买票吧!

二等奖:Amazon Kindle 一部(2名)

地点:哥伦比亚大学Alfred Lerner Hall
地图: http://www.columbia.edu/about_ columbia/map/lerner.html
Region A
CUID $28.00
Non CUID $32.00

Region B
CUID $18.00
Non CUID $24.00

CUID Only $16.00


售票链接:https://www.ovationtix. com/trs/pe/7809565
Columbia University Chinese Students and Scholars Association
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