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飯店 (Marriott Newark Liberty Airport Hotel) 舉行2009年度大 會, 主題為 "為長久繁榮而努力創新發明"
(Innovate for Sustainable Prosperity)

今年年會廣邀了科技與相關產業專家分享過去一年來的重要發展, 除涵蓋科技與工程各領域之外, 還包括了財務工程與
創業/工作心得等. 例如: 遠程測傳系統及其多項應用 (Telematics Systems and Applications), 信息及網路安全
(Information and Network Security), 藥學科技新進展 (Pharmaceutical Technologies), 華爾街2.0 - 資本主義
的再臨 (Wall Street 2.0 The Second Coming of Capitalism), 移動通訊定位的新進展(Advances in Mobile
Localization), 綠色信息與通信科技 (Green Information and Communication Technologies), 內容傳遞網路的
進展 (Advances in Content Networking), 舉例研討今天如何在中國經商及如何興辦清潔能源工業 (Doing
Business in China Now and Clean Energy Industry, a Case Study). 特別討論組則為 ‘無線通信的未來’
(Future of the Wireless Communications) 及 ‘為減低災害, 保障繁榮而備戰 (Getting Prepared to Mitigate
from Disasters and to Sustaining Prosperity)

午宴邀請到名作家包圭漪 女士 (Cathy Bao Bean, author of “The Chopsticks-Fork Principle”), 與會演說.
獎題為 "用筷子加叉子的原理來開心生活" “Living and Laughing by The Chopsticks-Fork Principle”

晚宴時則特別邀請到美國電話與電報公司 (AT&T) 資深副總裁 周慧安 女士 (Ms. Anne H. Chow , Senior Vice
President of AT&T) 發表專題演說, 講題為 ‘整合與創新(Convergence and Innovation)’

大會晚會中還要頒發「傑出成就獎」, 「傑出服務獎」, 「學會服務獎」, 以表彰在科技領域及學會服務作出傑出貢獻
的人士. 另外還將頒發由美國電話與電報公司 (AT&T) 贊助的 ‘優異高中生獎學金’及 ‘優異研究壁報獎金’。

家緊密聯繫, 集智聚資, 共同發展, 造福全球. 歡迎各界人士參加此一盛會, 共襄盛舉. 報名及有關詳情可上CIE網站
www.cie-gnyc.org 查詢 , 聯絡會長劉主民博士junminjliu@gmail.com, 或大會主席林少達博士

CIE-GNYC will hold 2009 Convention on Oct. 31
CIE-GNYC (Chinese Institute of Engineers—Greater New York Chapter) announces that its 2009 Convention will be held on Saturday 10/31/09 from 8:30am to 8:45pm, in the Marriot Hotel of Newark Liberty International Airport.

This year’s convention theme will be “Innovate for Sustainable Prosperity”. The program covers a wide range of topics that are closely related to the development and challenges over the past year in various fields of science and technology, as well as in finance, entrepreneurship and career building. Some interesting topics include

• Telematics Systems and Applications
• Information and Network Security
• Pharmaceutical technologies
• Wall Street 2.0 The Second Coming of Capitalism
• Advances in Mobile Localization
• Green Information and Communication Technologies
• Advances in Content Networking
• Doing Business in China Now
• Clean Energy Industry, a Case Study
• Future of Wireless Communications
• Getting ready to Mitigate from Disasters and to Sustaining Prosperity

At luncheon, we have invited famed writer Cathy Bao Bean, author of “The Chopsticks-Fork Principle”
to give an interesting speech“Living and Laughing by The Chopsticks-Fork Principle”. At dinner
banquet, we will have the senior vice president of AT&T Anne H. Chow to give a keynote speech “Convergence and Innovation”.

There will be awards given to outstanding individuals within and outside the Institute for their
achievement in science and technology and for their service to the organization and society as a whole.
Awards will also be given to outstanding high school students for their scholastic achievement and to
winners of graduate student poster contest.

CIE was founded in 1917, it has a rich tradition in promoting communication and cooperation among
experts and professionals in various fields of science and technology, and promoting cooperation with
Mainland China and Taiwan to help the development of science, technology and industry in those
places. We welcome all professionals, entrepreneurs and students to participate in this great event—
2009 Convention, and hope it can benefit you in more than one ways.

For more information and registration, please go to www.cie-gnyc.org, you can also send email to Dr.
Jun-Min Liu at junminjliu@gmail.com or Dr. Paul Lin at paulsdlin@yahoo.com.

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