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3.•车 辆 制 动 控 制 (刹 车)结 构•
普通自行车、摩托车、拖拉机等手柄式制动(刹车)操纵机构,在使用中存在着:不舒适、 不灵活、不方便、 不省力、制动效果不理想等。从而直接影响到行车安全。

4. •失 物 追 寻 仪•


1. •优•化•型•摩•托•车•




® 专利新型技术: 3.•二 轮 车 制 动 控 制 (刹 车)结 构•

1. 不舒适。通常在驾车过程中,为便于及时制动,驾驶者的双手必须时刻放在刹车柄上,而从驾驶手柄到刹车柄之间通常有一段距离,拇指与另外四个手指长距离叉开,时间一长不仅拇指、食指和虎口很不舒服,发酸、发胀、发麻,甚至会引起整个手掌、臂的关节疼痛病变等。而此种结构的制动又必须这样操作。
2. 不灵活。驾驶者在这种方式的驾驶过程中,感到不舒适时,不时的会将手指从叉开状态收回到方向控制这一个手柄上。这样在碰到紧急情况需刹车制动时,驾驶者的手又必须从控制方向柄的状态转向急速抓捏刹车。手指从一种状态转变成另外一种状态,这中间有个动作转变的时间延迟和捏刹车的准确性问题,直接影响到制动的灵活、有效性。
3. 不安全。根据人体生物工程力学原理,由于为了方便、舒适以及自然习惯所形成,很多人在驾车时,手会自然而然或者是有意放在驾驶车辆的单个手柄上。因为这样做对于驾驶者有如下优越性:(1). 握单个手柄更容易控制掌握车辆方向;(2). 手比较舒适、方便和自然。 但是这种驾车姿势在车辆需要紧急制动时,在时间性和准确性上却难以尽快达到目的,车辆不能及时有效的制动,严重的影响了行车安全。
4. 不省力。需要用较大的力才能实现制动。


® 专利新型技术: 4.•失 物 追 寻 仪•



Practical Patent Technology Sales
® (I. Index) 1. Optimized Motorcycle
A motorcycle is quick, convenient and oil - saving. It has a great potential for the market. However, it is dangerous and uncomfortable. What is more, motor drivers are easy to become tired.
A new optimized motorcycle can avoid the weaknesses of the present motors, and bring the advantages into full play. What is more, it is able to produce good economic results with low cost. This kind of motorcycle is your best choice.

2. A Newly Designed Bicycle
As a means of exercise and fun, a bike can strengthen your health, bring you comfort and does not pollute the air. Now customers have an increasing demand for newly designed bikes of better performance and appearance. Our newly designed bikes will meet the new demand of the customers.

3. A Newly Designed Brake System for Vehicles
The operation of the brakes for the present bicycles, motorcycles, is uncomfortable and inconvenient. The brakes do not save effort and do not work well, which directly affect the safety in driving. Our newly designed brake system has overcome the above-mentioned weak points. It is convenient to use and easy to operate. It works well. Drivers are comfortable and safe in driving.

4. An Electronic Apparatus for Searching Lost Articles or Lost People
People easy lose different kinds of things, which brings them either economic losses mental pain. If we can track down the lost people or lost articles in the wide world, we need not worry about losing things. Our new technology: An Electronic Apparatus for Searching Lost Articles will help you realize your dream.

The inventor of the above-mentioned techniques has applied for the international patent.
Purchasing these new techniques means can monopolizing the market of new products.
If you want to take these new products, you must contact quickly


® II. Introduction New International Patent Technology
1. Optimized Motorcycle
A motorcycle is a very popular and convenient means of transportation and fun. It is cheap, light, small, fast and easy to operate. It is also easy to parking, quickly to speed up and oil-saving.
For the produce factories, those, which employ new science and technology, and develop new products will surely win over the customers and lead the market.
In order to increase their competitive power for the market, the produce factories are trying their best to develop new products that are high-efficient, low- cost, safe and comfortable to ride.
Despite the advantages, a motorcycle has its disadvantages, which are shown as follows:
1) Unsafe. Under emergency and special circumstances, sudden brake may cause skipping and falling over and bringing about bad results.
2) Compared with car drivers, motor drivers are easy to become tired. Tiredness will greatly affect the safety in driving. Whenever there is a halting down or a sudden brake, the driver has to support the motor with one or both legs, which causes danger and discomfort. When pulling up in accumulated water or on a muddy road, the driver will surely get his shoes or trouser legs wet or dirty.
3) Uncomfortable. Comfortable riding will help the rider concentrate his attention for a longer time. It will be safer. As a means of transportation, motors should have a combined function for transportation and entertainment. The production of motors is supposed to arrive at this aim.
For years, people have been seeking better ways to overcome the weaknesses of motorcycles. Is it possible for people to find a way? The answer is YES. Through experiments, a new optimized motorcycle has been developed to overcome the above - mentioned weak points and bring into play the advantages of motors. The production of the newly designed model will yield good economic results with low cost. As long as the new optimized motors are made known to the customers, they will surely occupy the market.

2. A Newly Designed Type of Bicycle
A bicycle is a very popular means of fitness and exercise. It is cheap, convenient to use, easy to operate and easy to parking. It can also strengthen the rider’s health. It does not pollute the air.
With the development of the consumers’ taste, the bicycle consumers are dissatisfied with the existing bikes of ordinary quality and function. For bicycle producers, those who will use new science and technology to develop new products stand a chance of winning over the consumers and will lead the bicycle market.
To increase their competitive power for the bicycle market, bicycle factories should make it their aim developing special, fashionable and good-looking products that are comfortable to ride and superior to others’.
The present bicycles on the market have their own weak points, which are shown as follows:
1) Uncomfortable in riding. Because of the structure and design of the present bicycles, a rider has to arch his back (especially the mountain bikes) and easily becomes tired and uncomfortable. Long-time riding often causes pain or numbness of the limbs. Even worse, it may cause bicycle syndrome.
2) Poor-looking in appearance. A rider has to huddle himself up and lean forward in riding most kinds of the present bikes. He cannot stretch out comfortably.
3) Imperfect in operation. The existing bicycle is imperfect and does not save effort. It is uncomfortable to ride. Therefore, a new type of bikes of superiority and good design is badly needed to replace the present ones.
Our newly designed bicycle can bring the advantages of common bicycles into full play and overcome their weaknesses.

3. A Newly Designed Brake System for Bicycle
The brake systems of the present bicycles, tricycles, motorcycles are usually designed and fixed by the handlebars. This kind of brake system has weak points as are shown below:
1) Uncomfortable. In riding, the rider has to put his hands on the brakes in order to brake at the right time. However, the handlebars are quite apart from the brakes. With the hands in the fixed position for a long time, the rider often feels uncomfortable. The hands may become numb.
2) Inconvenient. Riding in this way, the rider may draw his fingers back to the handlebars when he feels uncomfortable. When there is the need to brake, he has to retreat to the original position. The transition takes time, which may delay the right brake and affect the efficiency of braking.
3) Unsafe. For comfort, many riders may naturally retreat one hand from the handlebars. In doing so, the rider may feel comfortable and natural. However, when he needs to brake under emergency, he cannot do promptly and efficiently. It may certainly affect the safety of riding.
4) Effort-consuming. The rider needs more effort to brake.
The above-mentioned weak points of the existing brake system directly affect the safety of riding.
Through research and experiments, a newly designed brake system has been developed for handlebar vehicles. This kind of brake system is convenient to operate. It is also effort-saving. Riders will feel safe and comfortable in riding.

4. An Electronic Apparatus for Searching Lost Articles or Lost People
Nearly everybody has the experience of losing things. It ranges from small articles like a mobile phone or a bike to valuable things like a motorcycle, a car or household electric appliances. Sometimes even children, old people and some retarded persons may get lost. Lost articles or lost people often bring great sufferings to their families. Can we find a way to search for lost articles or lost people? The answer is YES.
Our Electronic Apparatus for Searching Lost Articles can be widely used. It can help you find lost articles and even lost people. It will relieve you from your great pain and suffering, and help you avoid economic loses and worries.
newly apparatus is a effectively help’s facility for your property and person.


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