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Author PragrU字幕组

美国已经破产! | 文字稿

I’m here to collect your $600,000 share of the national debt!
我是来讨你的那份 60 万国债的!

“What! We don’t have $600,000!
「什么!我们没有 60 万!」

I wasn’t talking to you. I was talking to your baby.

Have a nice life.

This isn’t a made-up horror story. It’s real. It is the unpaid credit card bill our kids and our grandkids are facing—money they didn’t spend but will have to pay.

The Democrats point their finger at the Republicans. The Republicans point back at the Democrats. The truth is that the politicians of both parties have brought us to the edge of this financial cliff.

They say they’re spending all this money with the best of intentions: the trillions are needed to end hunger and reduce inequality; provide everyone with free health care; and save the planet from global warming.

But there is no way around the simple math. You can’t spend what you don’t have—not indefinitely. Debts have to be repaid.

We’ve been sweeping this problem under the proverbial rug for decades, but now we’re running out of rug.

During the year of the Covid crisis, a Republican president, Donald Trump, approved a massive increase in government spending. His reasoning went like this: We shut down the economy. We have to help people out.

Did he go too far? Maybe, but just about everyone agreed something had to be done.

Then, Joe Biden, a Democrat president, entered the White House and called for $1.9 trillion in additional spending—even though one trillion of the previous Covid relief money had not yet been spent, and even though the economy was already well on the way to recovering.
之后,乔·拜登,一名民主党总统,入主白宫并要求增加 1.9 万亿支出——即便之前的一万亿新冠救济金都还没花出去,即便经济已经有望开始复苏。

Then the new President quickly asked for another $1.1 trillion for “infrastructure”, which used to mean projects like roads, bridges, and airports, but now includes giveaways like electric car charging stations for Tesla owners. By the way, 19 Republican Senators joined the Democrats. Nobody is blameless.
新总统很快又要求另外 1.1 万亿「基础设施」支出,它通常指的是道路、桥梁、机场等项目,但如今包括免费为特斯拉车主提供电动车充电站。顺便一提,19 名共和党参议员同意民主党。没人可以免于指责。

But, wait—that only turned out to be President Biden's opening bid. He put another $3.5 trillion in spending on the table for a whole slew of goodies: free child-care, free community college, student loan forgiveness, expanded Medicare and Medicaid, vast subsidies for “green” technology, and on and on.
且慢,这原来只是拜登总统的首次开价。他又提出了另外 3.5 万亿支出,用来发放一大堆好处:免费儿童保育、免费社区大学、学生债务赦免、医疗保险与医疗补助扩张,大幅补贴「绿色」科技,等等等等。

Add all this extra spending and you arrive at $6 trillion dollars. Yes, that’s a six with 12 zeroes after it.
所有这些额外支出加起来是整整 6 万亿美元。没错,6 之后接 12 个 0。

This is a level of spending we have never seen before.

The numbers are so big, it’s impossible to grasp. But to offer a little perspective consider this.

$6 trillion is more money (adjusted for inflation) than we spent on the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, World War I, World War II, the Louisiana Purchase, the Transcontinental Railroad, the Interstate highway system, and the Moon Landing combined.
6 万亿美金(经通胀调整)比我们在革命战争、南北战争、一战、二战、路易斯安那购地、州际铁路、州际高速公路系统和登月加起来的花费还要多。

Normally, we borrow money as a nation during a period of crisis. Then, when the crisis ends, we start to pay down the debt.

What the Progressive Left wants to do is launch the biggest spending spree in American history—after the crisis is over!

What’s looming ahead, however, is a new crisis: a nuclear-sized debt bomb. Our multi-trillion dollar national debt was bad enough before all this proposed spending.

But, progressive politicians and some economists tell us we have nothing to worry about. All we need to do is tax the rich! But there aren’t enough millionaires and billionaires to pay this kind of bill. Or they say, as long as China keeps buying up our debt we're fine. We can spend all we want.

But do we really want to be in debt to the Chinese for trillions of dollars? They aren't exactly our best friend.

And what if there is so much debt, the Chinese and other nations can’t buy all of it, even if they wanted to.

You know what happens then?

The US government is forced to buy its own debt. This just means we print money to pay our bills. If your common sense tells you that’s crazy, that’s because it is.

If printing money could make a nation rich, then Argentina, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe would be among the richest nations in the world.

You don’t have to be an economist to know that printing money is the perfect recipe for serious inflation.

And inflation is a prosperity killer. It shrinks what you can buy with your paycheck, and it eats away at your savings.

In the 1970s prices rose so fast that the economy crashed and unemployment soared. Things were so bad economists created a misery index: inflation plus unemployment, and that hit 20%.
在 1970 年,价格上涨得如此之快,以致经济崩溃,失业率飙升。情况糟糕到经济学家创建了一个痛苦指数:通胀加上失业率,而它达到了 20%。

And today, prices for everything, from gas to food, are on the rise again.

Once inflation gets going, it’s hard to stop.

Runaway inflation leads to financial ruin.

This is what happened after World War I in Germany, for example. The debts were so high and the currency so debased that women had to bring wheel barrels full of bills to the grocery store to pay for food.

And we know where that led.

If that’s not the future we want for our kids, we need to stop the wild spending and defuse the debt bomb.

The sooner, the better.

I'm Stephen Moore, economist at FreedomWorks, for Prager University.

我是史蒂芬·摩尔,Freedom Works 的经济学家,为 PragerU 制作。


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